
Neuroscience Consulting for treatment and legal decision making

Curriculum Vitae

Vicka Rael Corey, Ph.D.

Contact information:

  • USA: +1 617 775 1592
  • Ireland: +353 318 7498
  • Current Research:

    • Oxytocin and Therapeutic Relationships
    • Ibogaine and Noribogaine in Treatment for Opiate Dependence
    • MDMA in Treatment-Resistant Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • Truth, Lies, and Context: Why Subliminal Misinformation May Still Help


    • 1987 B.A. The Johns Hopkins University, Maryland (Psychology)
    • 1998 Ph.D. University of Washington, Washington (Cognitive Neuroscience)

    Academic Appointments:

    • 2000 Volunteer MIT Department of Linguistics
    • 2001-2002 Volunteer MIT Media Lab
    • 2002-2009 Assistant in Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital
    • 2002-2016 Instructor in Neuroscience, Harvard Medical School
    • 2009-2016 Associate of the Laboratory for Integrative Psychiatry, McLean Hospital

    Other Professional Positions:

    • 1984-1988 Research Assistant, Psychohormonal Research Unit Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
    • 1988-1989 Research Psychologist, Institute for Circadian Physiology, Boston, MA
    • 1989-1990 Technical Support Engineer, FTP Software, Wakefield, MA
    • 1990-1996 Network Specialist, Reflections Software, Seattle, WA
    • 1996-1998 Consultant, The Leftbank Operation, Somerville, MA
    • 1998-1999 Systems and Network Engineer, Alphagene, Woburn, MA
    • 1999-2002 Systems Administrator and Project Manager, Sandstorm Enterprises, Boston, MA

    A. Report of Research

    1. Major Research Interests:

    • Neuroscientific education
    • Psychoactive substances
    • Brain and language
    • Girls' and women's learning in physics and mathematics
    • Discourse analysis in educational and therapeutic settings
    • Experimental design
    • Cognitive modelling of well-known data structures, such as small numbers and the alphabet
    • Zero-attention user interfaces and subliminal cueing

    B. Report of Teaching

    2010-2012 Instructor, Cambridge Community Adult Education, "What Brains Do"

    2007-ongoing Chief Instructor, Littleton Kokikai Aikido

    2005-ongoing Massachusetts Licensed Horseback Riding Instructor; Centered Riding Certified Instructor Level 1

    2003 Instructor, 'Experimental Design for Wearable Computing' Seminar, International Symposium for Wearable Computing, White Plains, NY

    1990 Assistant Instructor, Laboratory in Statistical Analysis Undergraduate level course at University of Washington, Seattle, WA

    Original Reports:

    1. Corey, V., Pisano, V., and Halper, J. Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Patient Utterances in a Psychotherapeutic Setting. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases(2016)519-523.

    2. DeVaul, R., Pentland, A., and Corey, V. The Memory Glasses: Subliminal vs. Overt Memory Support with Imperfect Information. Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing(2003)146-153.

    3. Corey, V., Peterman, C., Shearin, S., Greenberg, M.S., and Van Bokkelen, J.B. Network Forensics Analysis. IEEE Internet Computing:2002;6(6)60-66

    4. Corey, V. The Electrophysiological Difference Between Nouns and Verbs. Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, 1998.

    5. Osterhout, L., McKinnon, R., Bersick, M., and Corey, V. On the language specificity of the brain response to syntactic anomalies: Is the Syntactic Positive Shift a member of the P300 family? J.Cog.Neuro.1996;8(6):507-526.

    6. Corey, V., van Zee, E.H., Minstrell, J., Simpson, D., & Stimpson, V. When girls talk: An examination of high school physics classes. Feminists in Science and Technology:1993:6(2)2-3.

    7. van Zee, E.H., Corey, V., Minstrell, J., Simpson, D. & Stimpson, V. Student questioning during a cognitive approach to physics instruction. National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual meeting, Boston 1992

    Book Chapter::

    1. Corey, V., Halpern, J., Passie, T. Psychoactive substances. In: Blom, J.D., Sommer, I.E.C (eds.) Hallucination: research and practice. Springer, New York. 2011.

    Public Service:

    Provide and maintain computer services for several local nonprofit groups. Transport cats between shelters and adoptive homes. Volunteered as a horseback riding instructor for city children. Taught music and dance to homeless children at YWCA Family Shelter. Tutored inner-city elementary-school children in reading and math.


    Available by request.